
Friday, March 25, 2011

Tri-City friends: Go see Katie in "Mary Stuart"

My amazing, talented BFF Katie Hunt** is playing the starring role in "Mary Stuart" at the Richand Players and it opens tonight! If you are in or near Tri-Cities in the next three weeks, please and go see her for me.

Richland Players is the community theater in the Tri-Cities. Here's the theater's synopsis of the play:
"Schiller's Mary Stuart in a new version by Peter Oswald is being produced with an industrial rock theme. Schiller's ability to mix private and public worlds and his profound understanding of real politics assures that what you get from this production is not just some obscure history lesson (one that takes great liberties with the truth), but a fast-moving narrative about the imprisoning effect of power. It has all the sex, politics, religious bickering, double-dealing and treachery of contemporary drama."
Should be exciting, so go see it!

Performances: March 25, 26, April 1, 2, 8 and 9
Curtain: 8 p.m. (Get there by 7:30 p.m.*)
Matinee: 2 p.m. April 3 (Get there by 1 p.m.*)
Ticket prices: $12.00; $10.00 for seniors and students

Call the box office to reserve tickets: 509-943-1991
Or book them online:

Break a leg, Katie!

*From me, the drama geek: Please make a habit of showing up for live plays AT LEAST a half hour early to get good seats. Walking in after the show has begin is super rude for the audience and the people who spent weeks preparing to go on stage. Community theaters like this one are usually all volunteer. And please turn off your cell phone. (Stepping off my soapbox now) Plus, pre-shows usually have a great social vibe to chat, check out the program, etc.

** Yep, she caught the bouquet at my wedding and I love this picture of her.

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