
Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday Fun: It's going to be a media-licious weekend

Happy Friday! Sometimes it seems like all the fun stuff is happening at once. This weekend is one of those times. Here's what's on the docket in my world:
  1. The Alaska Press Club Conference is happening in Anchorage. We have some prestigious names in journalism here in Anchorage to lead workshops, including Kim Severson of the New York Times and Al Tompkins of the Poynter Institute.
  2. Additionally, my company entered a few pieces I worked on in the Press Club Awards contest and we're going to the awards cocktail reception Saturday night. Cross your fingers for me.
  3. My dear friend Brielle is in town for the conference and we got to squeeze in some quality time over red wine and delicious food last night. We go back to college, it's always nice to have old friends near.
  4. We have tickets to see the Anchorage Opera's opening production of South Pacific tonight. The opera is doing one mainstream opera/musical crossover each year and this is it.
  5. I'm crocheting like a mad woman in every spare second to finish a special project in time. But more on that later since it's a surprise for the receiver.
Do you have any exciting weekend plans? Have a wonderful weekend?

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