
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Some enchanted evening at the Anchorage Opera

I didn't realize I was sitting two seats from the director Friday night. I didn't realize this reputable opera director had been flown up from Seattle halfway through the show to take over. Further, I did not expect to be toasting to his success with rose champagne, the conductor and a handful of cast members after the show. Lastly, I didn't realize he would be telling my husband and I were to get the best Chinese food in town. After all I've lived here two years and he's spent less weeks in Alaska than you can count on two hands.

The curtain came up over the set of South Pacific last weekend to bright colors, warm lighting and tropical music. It was the Anchorage Opera's crossover musical for the season. The Anchorage Opera is bringing in big Broadway musical show names once a season to pack the theater, attract a broader audience and help fund the rest of the year's shows.

South Pacific was no exception. The beautiful voices of a cast made up of both Anchorage locals and talent from outside. Days later, still find myself humming the Rogers and Hammerstein tunes, "I'm Gonna Wash that Man Out of My Hair," and "Some Enchanted Evening."

We were among a small group selected to go for a quick backstage tour after the show that concluded with a champange toast to the cast and crew. I got the joy of meeting director Jeffery Buchman and conductor Kelly Kuo. I found out Kuo resides in Oregon and was born in Richland the next door neighbor to my Tri-City hometown, Kennewick.

There's still five more shows to see it for yourself, Anchorage friends:

Wednesday, April 6 at 7 p.m.
Thursday, April 7 at 7 p.m.
Friday,  April 8 at 8 p.m.
Saturday, April 9 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Sunday, April 10 at 4 p.m.

At the Anchorage Opera website.

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