
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Highlights from Seattle

I took a mini-trip to Seattle last week on my way to a friend's wedding and had a wonderful time. The rain stayed away for a couple days and I got to run around with my mom and a couple of my close friends, and enjoy the city. We walked, shopped, ate out and drank wine. I got to see my delightful grandparents and tour my mom's office.

Plus I had a fantastic night out with some very wonderful journalist friends. I miss them in Alaska and was happy to see no one had changed too much, and everyone seemed better with age. I got to meet one friend's new husband, another's new girlfriend and hear the plans and anxious hopes of a soon-to-be father. Thank you friends, especially those who traveled or took other pains to see me. I truly appreciate you.

Here's a short pictorial from my trip. I also have 2,713 photos from Whidbey and Camano islands to sort through from my friends' wedding, but I need a little more time sorting through those ...

1 comment:

  1. I wish Jake and I had been able to come out and see you, but well, you know the life of newspaper employees. :( Will you be in the Tri-Cities anytime in the near future?
